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World economy post economic recovery – Expectations and venues for growth

The world economy is said to be running into a phase where there is a prospect of recovery and the expectation of newer venues to make businesses more sustainable, seems to be more of a priority. Considering the problems that we have at present, most of them seem to be the contemplation of the damage already presented way before the pandemic struck us. The venues are now open to a more environment-friendly business option which is said to be having better scope in terms of reeling in more attention. Simple aspects of pollution of our air, water, and other natural resources, fixing them is one of the high priorities. Many economies now see solutions to fix the issues, with collaborations with social entrepreneurs to scale the products to solve, which is a trend that has picked up in recent times. Innovations and discoveries to minimize the existing damages done is now an important trend that one needs to focus on.

Potential targets to accelerate the process…

The solution to this is more in terms of collaboration. Across the globe, with the widespread network of avenues to non-profit organizations and the enormous funds they offer, many problems across the globe could be solved. This has an amazing potential to collect data from across the spectrum and envision the solution. In turn could help in solving various economic and environmental problems, in a considerably short period. With the World Economic Forum and various allied agencies of the UN, different projects combined with scientific research can create a platform for more energized participation from various parts of the world.

More pressing issues and attention are needed...

Considering world politics today and disturbances like war disrupting and throwing the world economy upside down, it's difficult to find immediate alternatives. For a simple example, the alternative to oil for the European nations is a hard one, since the major oil supply is shut. Considering the moral grounds is one of the steps to stopping the crisis. Since the winter is close and high prices are to be paid, an alternative is a tough call the nations need to make. Also finding alternatives to the food sources and conserving them is a task one needs to focus-since the economy is on the verge of getting back to its normal functioning. The need to collaborate with different academic domains and specialists in the field is the call needed to solve the food crisis. It includes the resources both on land and oceans. Soil conservation, research on better quality food products, and solutions to conserve the fish population and species- requires collaboration.

The time is now…

Since most of them are aware of the problems in general terms, coming together to create a sustainable ecosystem for better co-existence of developing our economies and environment. No matter how small or developed the economies are, a collaborative effort is a way forward. Knowledge and sharing of technological know-how is the best way all the nations can help in achieving the goal. It is a matter of time before we all realize the seriousness of the problem and make this environment more future-ready and sustainable.

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